Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Week 1 Tuesday, Intro Questions

1. Jason Sorger, 3rd year, Cybernetics Major with a Math Minor
2. Differential Equations, Linear Algebra Implementation, and my favorite, the Proofs behind the implementation of Linear Algebra. I am currently taking mathematical modeling.
3. I'm very interested in cryptography. I've watched lots of movies and talked to ex-soldiers about code making and code breaking. Not only is it essential in winning wars, but it has shaped our history and will continue to shape our future. Our society depends on codes that are safe. We use this convenience in everyday life. To understand the math and thought process behind such an important field is fascinating. In addition, I've had great experiences in pic 10a, b and cannot explain to you how much I learned and mastered.
4. He made sure everyone was following along and keeping up with the material by asking the class periodically if they understood the material. In addition to ensure that the students were competent with the material he provided some useful practice questions at the beginning of class. When answering questions, the teacher answered them thoroughly and made sure that the student, along with the class, understood the answer completely. In addition, he provided those who came to his office hours with extra, helpful questions which helped everyone master the material. The material was not easy, but the teacher really cared and provided us with all the tools to succeed.
5. Basically the teacher filled up every chalkboard in the classroom without once looking at the students. No-one could ask questions and when we did manage to squeeze in a question he usually answered in a condescending manner. In the end, nobody came to lecture and it seemed like an independent study class.
6. You wouldn't know it by looking at me, but I am on the Board of Directors and am the Finance Committee Chairman of a 75 million dollar company.

1 comment:

Nathan said...

It sounds like you might be doing an historical final project...